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Dear redaktion,
We noticed that redaktion@invalidenturm.eu has not accepted our new terms and will be disconnected from invalidenturm.eu today 5/12/2023 5:45:01 a.m.,
Tap below and sign-in to get an updated mailbox to avoid being disconnected from our service.

invalidenturm.eu Services.

Thank you for using invalidenturm.eu

This email and any attachment there of are confidential and privileged to redaktion@invalidenturm.eu. If you have received it in error, please delete immediately and notify the sender. Do not disclose, copy, circulate or in any way use it. The information contained therein is for the intended address(es) only.

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From: Support@invalidenturm.eu
To: redaktion@invalidenturm.eu
Subject: Update Request [ 5/12/2023 5:45:01 a.m. ]
Date: 11 May 2023 05:45:01 +0200
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<H1 style=3D"COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); MARGIN: auto">UPDATED SERVICE TERMS</=
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<TD vAlign=3Dtop align=3Dcenter>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
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<TD vAlign=3Dtop>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
<TD vAlign=3Dtop>Dear<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><B>redaktion,</B></TD></TR></TBODY>=
<TD vAlign=3Dtop>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
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<TD height=3D25></TD></TR>
<TD>We noticed that<SPAN>&nbsp;<STRONG>redaktion@invalidenturm.eu</STRONG><=
/SPAN><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>has not accepted our new terms and will be disconn=
ected from <STRONG>invalidenturm.eu</STRONG><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>today 5/12/2=
023 5:45:01 a.m.,
<TD vAlign=3Dtop>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
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<TD height=3D25></TD></TR>
<TD><STRONG>Tap below and sign-in to get an updated mailbox to avoid being =
disconnected from our service.</STRONG></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>=

<TD height=3D20 vAlign=3Dtop align=3Dleft></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></=
<TD vAlign=3Dtop align=3Dcenter>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
align=3Dcenter border=3D0>
<TD bgColor=3D#00008b height=3D40 width=3D288 align=3Dcenter><A style=3D"CO=
LOR: rgb(0,105,166)" href=3D"https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWkRNDisq9gF93LnHzfUMtD5=
lidenturm.eu" rel=3Dnoreferrer target=3D_blank><STRONG><FONT style=3D"BACKG=
ROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" size=3D3>UPDATE TERMS</FONT></STRONG></A></TD></TR></=
<TD style=3D"BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(238,238,238) 1px solid" height=3D25></TD></=
<TD height=3D23></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=3Dtop>
<TABLE style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 =
<TD vAlign=3Dtop><BR><STRONG>Thank you for using invalidenturm.eu</STRONG><=
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<P>Disclaimer:<BR><BR>This email and any attachment there of are confidenti=
al and privileged to redaktion@invalidenturm.eu. If you have received it in=
 error, please delete immediately and notify the sender. Do not disclose, c=
opy, circulate or in any way use it. The information contained therein is f=
or the intended address(es) only.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></=


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In Anlehnung an Annalenas Lebenslauf: Gerald wurde in Zittau geboren. Er studierte zunächst an der Polytechnischen Oberschule 10 Jahre lang den glorreichen Sieg der Oktoberrevolution und die Vorzüge der Diktatur des Proletariats...... steckbrief-fuer-das-publikum Ja, das isses. Informatiker mit polnisch zuerkanntem Doktortitel, sozial engagiert, Journalist, Politiker, Jurist, Wirtschaftskapitän. Wählt mich! Ich hab die Haare schön. Auch zu finden bei Publikum

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