Gerald Fontaine
D-02763 Zittau
Äussere Weberstr. 55
email: admin@invalidenturm.de
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Ich garantiere, dass die zu Recht beanstandeten Passagen in angemessener Frist entfernt, bzw. den rechtlichen Vorgaben umfänglich angepasst werden, ohne dass von Ihrer Seite die Einschaltung eines Rechtsbeistandes erforderlich ist. Die Einschaltung eines Anwaltes würde damit einen Verstoß gegen die Schadensminderungspflicht darstellen.
Ich wünsche Dir sehr schöne Weihnachten in der schönen Oberlausitz!
Ich lebe in Wien und war im Sommer bei Freunden in Deiner Nähe, es ist die Kulturfabrik in Mittelherwigsdorf. Ich kenne Dich ja schon des längeren von FuF.
Danke für die freundlichen Grüße aus Österreich und natürlich ebenfalls schöne und besinnliche Feiertage. Bei uns sieht es momentan in Sachen Corona ziemlich bedenklich aus, ich glaube die Oberlausitz ist momentan der Hotspot in Deutschland…

The Federal Reserve has been stimulating and stimulating the economy by printing more USD. Do you really understand how the monetary system works and how it affects you?
We are in extra-ordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. How do you ensure you stay on the right side of the upcoming wealth transfer from all the currency printing by central banks around the world?
Before you make any decision, we highly recommend you invest some of your time to watch and learn from this short series of documentary (designed for the average guy on the street) in youtube.
This is a video series called “Hidden Secrets of Money”
This document will explain why it is important you own some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.
I have personally watched the entire series 3 times and it has changed the way I look at the entire monetary system. Protect your family by owning some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.
Buy bitcoin here and save 10% from your trading fees at the world’s biggest crypto exchange:
If you are a US resident, you can buy bitcoin here:
Dear you,
Times are bad and many are suffering. This is a time when many are seeking solace and inner peace. While we cannot change much of what is going on around us, we can calibrate our inner self.
I personally found Buddhism (a way of life) to be really beneficial.
Do take some time off to explore Buddhism in the short videos below (including a Mantra that really sooths our soul).
Buddhism As a Way of Life – From Dough
My Path To Becoming A Buddhist – From Emma Slade
If you are curious about the “Mantra Of Great Compassion” as mentioned in the videos above, you can listen to it here and calm your soul.
Buddhism is more of a way of life than a religion. It doesnt matter what your background is, we believe everyone can incorporate Buddhism into one’s daily life.
How To Practice Buddhism for Beginners and Westerners (Daily Practice) by Alan Peto
If you find this helpful and knows someone in need of this, please do share this.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch the “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon” in the first quarter of 2022, with the company accepting the meme-inspired cryptocurrency as payment.
Geometric Energy Corporation announced the dogecoin-funded mission on Sunday, with DOGE-1 representing a 40 kilogram cube satellite flying as a payload on a Falcon 9 rocket.
SpaceX vice president of commercial sales Tom Ochinero said in a statement that DOGE-1 “will demonstrate the application of cryptocurrency beyond Earth orbit and set the foundation for interplanetary commerce.”
Reference: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/09/spacex-accepts-dogecoin-payment-for-doge-1-mission-to-the-moon.html
Doge has gone up 1161% since early April this year.
If you want to be part of this history moment, you can buy Doge coin at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).
https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!
Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices.
Elon Musk caused Bitcoin’s price to soar when he tweeted about it.
Proof: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/06/13/musk-denies-bitcoin-pump-and-dump-and-says-tesla-will-resume-transactions-once-this-mining-goal-is-reached/?sh=17fdcafeaa2a
Elon Musk caused Doge Coin to soar when he tweeted about it.
The most important question everyone has is: “what is next?”
The short answer is a newly listed NASDAQ crypto mining company from Canada.
Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla might have or is going to acquire a stake in this newly listed NASDAQ.
Many are waiting for his “infamous” tweets to send stock price soaring.
With all the talk about going green, this newly listed Bitcoin and Ethereum mining company is a green company that mines bitcoin and ethereum using green energy.
It is currently trading at less than USD$3.50 in NASDAQ, way lower than it’s all time high in 2018. And Bitcoin and Ethereum have broken their all time high, making this stock highly undervalued.
This company is Canadian company Hive Blockchain. You can check out their stock here:
Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla has taken a stake in this company which just listed on NASDAQ on 1st July 2021.
If you are a long term investor, you can consider buying this stock for the long term.
If you are a short term speculator, you can consider the strategy of buy the rumour and sell the news on HIVE Blockchain stock.
For more on this stock, you can visit the official website here: https://www.hiveblockchain.com/
And do check out what the investor community is saying about HIVE BLOCKCHAIN here in Yahoo: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HIVE.V/community?p=HIVE.V
Don’t miss out on this golden opporunity!
By now most people have heard of Bitcoin.
Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called “Stock to Flow” price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager).
Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate price predication model of Bitcoin. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/29/demystifying-bitcoins-remarkably-accurate-price-prediction-model-stock-to-flow/?sh=60d4c376476a
According to this model, Bitcoin can hit a price USD$150,000 to USD$300,000 by Dec 2021 or Jan 2022. You can follow this legend’s twitter account here: https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD
Currently Bitcoin trades around USD$30,000, if PlanB is correct, we can expect a 5 to 10 times gain in Bitcoin in the next 6 to 9 months!
Don’t have enough money to buy a whole Bitcoin? No worries, anyone can buy a fraction of Bitcoin. For example, if you have $350, you can buy 1/00 (1%) of a Bitcoin!
To get started, you can buy your first Bitcoin (or a small fraction of it) below:
Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz
If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here -> https://bit.ly/33yXOqz (biggest crypto exchange in the world).
https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!
Twitter is adopting Bitcoin -> https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/23/daily-crunch-bitcoin-is-a-big-part-of-our-future-says-twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey/
Amazon is also jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon – >https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/23/amazon-is-hiring-a-digital-currency-and-blockchain-expert.html
Do not miss this opportunity of the lifetime.
Many people buy bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies when prices are going up, this is the worst thing that you can do. In order to make money, you have to buy low (when others are not going euphoric) and sell high.
The chance to buy bitcoin is NOW.
Don’t have enough money to buy a whole Bitcoin? No worries, anyone can buy a fraction of Bitcoin. For example, if you have $350, you can buy 1/00 (1%) of a Bitcoin!
To get started, you can buy your first Bitcoin (or a small fraction of it) below:
Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz
If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here -> https://bit.ly/33yXOqz (biggest crypto exchange in the world).
https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!
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If you consume CNN and BBC’s coverage of China, I am sure you are under the impression that China is a really screwed up country.
The West has a very biased view of China. China’s rise is bad for us? Is our system superior?
What is good for the West’s government is definitely good for Wall Streets and the bankers, but not necessarily good for the people.
China has a lot to offer to the average guy in the West.
Do you have a business? Consider selling to China
Do you want an incredible life experience like no others? Perhaps you can relocate to China!
What is China really like?
We share some you tube videos of Westerners living in China. Check the videos out and perhap it will change your view of China.
Or Perhaps you can visit China and seek out new opportunities there!
The Most SHOCKING Street Reactions of Foreigners living in CHINA!
Jason (from UK) China vs USA – Who Would Win? 2021 Military / Country Comparison
How China Became So Powerful
Johnny Harris – It’s a story of a certain type of capitalism
China Shaolin Martial Arts
Check out Philip Hartshorn’s experience in Shao Lin learning Kungfu!
Who REALLY Runs The World and How to Protect Yourself – Gerald Celente
Am I a Commie? – Question for YouTube Content Creators in China
Bist Du eigentlich auf der Plattform FuF gesperrt worden?
Als Du vor zwei Tagen auf die Affäre “Ines Laufer” aufmerksam gemacht hast?
Wo schreibt denn Ines zur Zeit?
Sie war wirklich sehr gut und es ist schade, dass sie einer Blockwartin zum Opfer gefallen ist.
Kennst Du den Blog trumpelman.wordpress.com?
Dort sind einige sehr lange aber hervorragende Texte drauf, man weiß aber nicht wirklich, wer da dahintersteckt.
Ein angeblicher MLS oder KBH hüllt seine Biographie in dichte Nebel.
Mich hat man noch nie bei f+f gesperrt. Noch nicht einmal du, du hat jemals jemand gemacht. Ich werde mir mal trumpelmann ansehen, allerdings gibt es viele gute Blogs, die keiner kennt. Ines Laufer ist Anfang 2018 dauerhaft aus Deutschland entschwunden. https://reisejunkie.info/2018/01/28/good-bye-deutschland-hallo-suedsee/
Verstehe den zweiten Satz Deines Kommentars nicht ganz, was meinst Du da?
Ob Trumpelman gut ist, kann ich nicht einfach so sagen, die Aufsätze dort sind sehr lang, aber von einer klaren Sprache, doch das Rundum ist leicht mysteriös.
Zu Dir hab ich die Frage nach der Sperrung nur gestellt, weil eine unglaublich große Zahl von Deinen Kommentaren gelöscht wurden, nachdem Du mit der Blockwartin ins Gehege gekommen bist.
Eine unglaubliche Zahl, so viel Kommentare hatte ich doch gar nicht geschrieben. Natürlich wird Frau Blogwart gequietscht haben und da ist eben der Löschwagen drübergefahren. Vermute mal auch einige Blogwartskommentare waren dabei, dann sieht die Zahl halt größer aus. Satz zwei meint, dass noch nicht einmal eine Ermahnung per PN kam.
Verstehe den letzten Satz nicht, was hat der mit dem oben erwähnten Satz 2 zu tun?
>> Noch nicht einmal du, du hat jemand gemacht.<< ?
Was soll das heißen?
Der Löschwagen fuhr genau über jene Links, die Du zur Affäre Laufer eingestellt hast. Ist aber Deine Sache, das herunterzuspielen….
Ines hockt jetzt dauerhaft auf Malta. Guckst Du: https://www.facebook.com/reisejunkiemagazin/